
  • 德文·帕尔著
  • 2023年4月4日
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德文·帕尔著 2023年4月4日

啜饮美酒:可爱. 享受一口美味的食物:一种享受. Sipping a beautiful wine alongside a bite of delicious food 和 experiencing the perfect food 和 wine pairing? 先验的.

的re’s just something magical that happens when all the elements of a well-made wine mix with the flavors 和 textures of a creative dish. 你被送到了味蕾的天堂. 现在考虑到令人惊叹的背景 ag体育正规 你拥有自己的终极 葡萄酒之乡体验.

ag体育正规,品酒室比比皆是,但不是全部 纳帕酒庄 提供食物和 葡萄酒搭配经验 alongside wine tastings – especially ones that go beyond the usual wine 和 cheese – so we have curated a list of some of the most spectacular.


终极薯条和蘸酱体验. 图片由 葡萄园Carneros



提到 ag体育正规起泡酒 酒和心灵瞬间进入 葡萄园Carneros. 由法国香槟品牌Taittinger背后的家族创立, this iconic ag体育正规 winery is celebrated for its grower-producer méthode traditionelle sparkling wines 和 Pinot Noir, 全部产自卡内罗斯产区的六个葡萄园.

别被这个名字骗了. 终极芯片 & 倾斜的经验 一点都不基本. Sip three of the winery’s top sparkling wines while you nibble a selection of Tsar Nicoulai Caviar’s artisanal caviars, 美味薯片, 烤面包点, 和, 当然, 法式葡萄是最梦幻的食物和葡萄酒搭配.


终极葡萄酒与美食体验:品鉴赤霞珠. 图片由 红杉林


8338 St. 海伦娜公路,加州纳帕市,94573,(707)944 -2945

这家卢瑟福酒厂被认为是先驱之一 赤霞珠 producers that helped put ag体育正规 on the global wine map since its founding in 1979. 藏在雄伟的红杉丛中, the winery is also celebrated for its efforts to preserve the long-term 纳帕的可持续性 — from its partnership with Save the Redwoods to being one of the first five vineyards certified under the new 纳帕 Green guidelines.

每人140美元, 红杉林 提供了 终极葡萄酒 & 美食体验:品鉴赤霞珠. This delicious ag体育正规 pairing experience invites guests to sample 红杉林’s single-vineyard 和 reserve wines paired with unexpected dishes created by host 和 winery Chef Britny Maureze to showcase the immense versatility of the Cabernet grape.


培根与葡萄酒体验. 图片由 牧师牧场酒庄


加利福尼亚州AG体育平台华盛顿街6490号,邮编94599,(707)944 -8200

这圣. 海伦娜 winery invites guests to their AG体育平台 tasting room for what they promise to be unexpected 葡萄酒之乡体验, both when it comes to what’s in each bottle, as well as each wine tasting. 牧师的牧场’s unique lineup features everything from zippy Grenache Blanc 和 Sauvignon Blanc to still 和 sparkling rosés to hearty 赤霞珠 和 red blends.

培根配什么都好,葡萄酒也不例外. 预订酒庄的酒 培根 & 葡萄酒的经验 和 dig into four thick cuts of rich pork belly expertly paired with four wines selected to bring out the best in the bacon – a simple, 但美味的葡萄酒品尝挑战.


面包和黄油经验. 图片由 手写的葡萄酒


加利福尼亚州AG体育平台华盛顿街6494号,邮编94599,(707)944 -8524

成立于2009年, 手写的葡萄酒 compares each wine’s vintage to a person’s h和writing – no two are the same. Self-described as “A gathering point for a community of like-minded 和 passionate lovers of wine 和 the literary arts, 培养探索和讨论的文化,” this AG体育平台 tasting room focuses on small-lot 赤霞珠 sourced from vineyards in ag体育正规的顶级产区.

的re are few things in life better than the simple pleasure of bread with butter. 给我来个Bouchon面包店的法棍面包和手工黄油, 加点白松露薯片, Salame杯, 这是巴斯克奶酪, 和 a lineup of four ag体育正规 hillside 和 Mountain District 赤霞珠s, 你会有一个改变你一生的美食和美酒品鉴会. 这是客人可以期待的手写的 面包和黄油经验.


酒醒与品酒. 图片由 克利夫的家人


主街709号. 海伦娜,加利福尼亚州94574,(707)968 -0625

2018年春天,克里夫酒吧背后的家庭 & Company purchased a 40-acre vineyard in ag体育正规’s Oak Knoll District. 自从, they have been creating wines sourced from the best vineyards in ag体育正规 和 Mendocino appellations. 的 克利夫的家人的目标是通过使用葡萄酒和食物来创造独特的地区葡萄酒和食物 可持续的做法 这样就能酿造出对地球影响小的高品质葡萄酒.

为他们预订一张桌子 酒醒与品酒. 的re’s no better way to start your day than at this brunch-inspired spread that 提供了 seasonal bites from the 克利夫的家人’s organic farm. Your tasting will be complete with some lighter style wines ideal for morning sipping. 和, 因为克里夫家族所有的葡萄酒都是以食物为出发点设计的, 你的味蕾一定会享受到一场盛宴.


真正的从花园到餐桌的体验. 图片由 圆池庄园| Briana Marie摄影



这家优质赤霞珠酒庄位于市中心 ag体育正规的卢瑟福区 是由麦克唐奈家族的第二代经营的吗. 这家酒厂不仅以精心制作的装瓶而闻名, 圆形池塘 has also cultivated Spanish 和 Italian olive trees for the production of artisan oils using a state-of-the-art mill, 还有红酒醋, 所有这些都可以在现场品尝.

Il普兰佐那样 品酒是不容错过的. Start with a tour of the winery garden 和 olive grove 和 proceed to a thoughtful four-course tasting experience. Sip a selection of wines paired with courses prepared by 圆形池塘’s Estate Chef using seasonal ingredients from the garden you have just visited. 这才是真正的从花园到餐桌的体验.


卡巴纳S 'mores和更多经验. 图片由 脸谱网:关闭Pegase


加利福尼亚州卡利斯托加市杜纳威尔巷1060号,邮编94515,(707)942 -4981

A powerhouse ag体育正规 winery that produces wines exclusively from its 410 acres of estate vineyards located in many of 纳帕’s premier growing regions, 秘密地Pegase 拥有一个华丽的属性,功能20,在一座火山小丘上挖了1000平方英尺的葡萄酒洞穴, 举办活动的洞穴剧院, 还有一个宁静的传统花园,里面收藏着稀有的, drought-tolerant plants 和 trees planted in a commitment to water conservation.

By no means a guided wine tasting in the traditional sense, it’s still worth booking the 小屋S ' mores & 更多的经验. Cozy up in one of 秘密地Pegase’s cabanas with six of your favorite people 和 roast marshmallows over the fire pit for some ooey gooey s’mores… paired, 当然, 精选了酿酒师的最爱.


完美的配对体验. 图片由 巴尔达奇家族葡萄园


加利福尼亚州纳帕市西尔维拉多步道6236号,邮编94558,(707)944 -9261

This family-owned, small-production winery sits in the heart of ag体育正规’s esteemed 鹿跃区在卡利斯托加(Calistoga)和洛斯卡内罗斯(Los Carneros)也有葡萄园. 它以各种不同风格的葡萄酒而闻名, 巴尔达奇家族葡萄园 提供了 an exciting portfolio of everything from single-vineyard 赤霞珠 to traditional method sparkling wine, 到经典的霞多丽, 甚至还有甜辣的晚熟玉米 rztramine.

书的 完美的配对体验 和 learn to push the envelope on what it means to create a match made in food 和 wine heaven. 红酒配鱼? 确定! 白葡萄酒配牛排? Baldacci Family 酒ry说,试试吧. Guests are introduced to the basics of food 和 wine pairing 和 how to create a memorable meal centered around specific wine selections. 的 experience culminates in a tasting of three wines paired with three unique dishes, 和 a detailed discussion of how each flavor component enhances the paired wines.