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作者:酒Country Collective 2023年5月17日

冒险进入…的心脏 ag体育正规, California is more than just a journey through world-class vineyards and cellars; it is also an invitation to explore the fascinating world of 艺术 that thrives within these wineries. From captivating garden installations to meticulously curated permanent collections and rotating exhibits, ag体育正规的酒庄 attract 艺术ists and 艺术 enthusiasts from across the globe. 在这五个地方发现这个迷人组合的魔力 ag体育正规的酒庄, where 艺术 和酒 blend seamlessly to create unforgettable experiences.

Originally crafted in 1993, “Surface Tension” by Andy Goldsworthy was masterfully reassembled on the 赫斯 2009年屋苑. 以使用天然材料而闻名, Goldsworthy’s piece is intricately composed of elongated chestnut tree leaf stalks, 用山楂的刺浸湿并固定在一起. 值得注意的是, no glue or hardware was employed to secure the installation to the walls or ceiling only the thorns keep it in place. 在专业导游的带领下参观赫斯收藏艺术博物馆, 您将有机会惊叹于这些迷人的艺术品, along with other exceptional pieces from Donald 赫斯’ private collection, 他从1966年开始收藏的. 跟随参观, 当前版本的品尝等待着你, offering the perfect indulgence to complement your 艺术istic journey.

内幕消息尽管你在赫斯有很多艺术可以探索 be wine tasting involved, so note that no one under the age of 21 is permitted.


艺术家和创始人 卡米劳里·M. 谢尔顿的牛画很受欢迎,从圣. 海伦娜到巴黎. After the loss of her husband, Shelton st艺术ed to paint cows and make wine to deal with her grief. Shelton is also credited with painting the much beloved “I (he艺术) Calistoga” sign located next to her gallery. 在市中心的卡米店里看看这些五颜六色的奶牛 Calistoga 品酒室,里面摆满了谢尔顿策划的艺术品. 适合大型聚会或亲密的特殊活动, reserve a private tasting to have the gallery and its rotating collection of 艺术works to yourself.

内幕消息:ag体育正规艺术与葡萄酒的绝佳搭配, 享受深海, 一边凝视着奶牛,一边品尝着卡米梅洛葡萄酒的浓郁风味.


红雨,图片由 大厅的葡萄酒

进入品酒室后 大厅, your senses are immediately captivated by Nick Cave’s awe-inspiring tapestry, “Garden Plot.“这个精心制作的欢迎仪式是由编织纺织品制成的,令人惊叹, 珠子, 亮片, 还有各种各样的发现物品. 霍尔已成为卓越艺术的天堂, 大厅外的旅程揭示了更多的艺术宝藏. 一定要冒险去发酵罐室, 格雷厄姆·考德威尔的吹制玻璃作品在哪里, “红雨,为空间增色(如上所示), 以及吉姆·坎贝尔令人着迷的LED显示屏, “爆炸视图,吸引游客. 此外, the outdoor garden area showcases a diverse collection of intriguing sculptures, 所以不要在里面待太久.

内幕消息: 代表着艺术与葡萄酒的共生关系, 大厅’s Jack’s Masterpiece red blend is as deeply layered and unique as the 艺术work that adorns the label. 拿一瓶带回家, 因为它是一个伟大的, cellar-worthy bottling for any of the 艺术 lovers you’re looking to impress.

401 St. 圣海伦娜公路. 海伦娜,加利福尼亚州94574,(707)967-2626

图片由 沉默的纳帕

Indulge in a glass of ag体育正规 bubbly as you immerse yourself in the iconic landscape photography of Ansel Adams at 沉默的纳帕. 成立于1993年, Mumm’s Fine Art Photography Gallery began showcasing Adams’ masterpieces through the generosity of his grandson, 马修·亚当斯, 谁把这些藏品借给了酒庄. Renowned for his striking black and white images of America’s natural wonders, 比如优胜美地, Ansel Adams’ work is celebrated not only for its 艺术istic prowess but also for its environmentalist undertones. Experience the captivating allure of Adams’ photography amidst the sparkling ambience of 沉默的纳帕 all year long.

内幕消息如果你加入他们的葡萄酒俱乐部, you’ll get access to the uber-popular Sparkling Pinot Noir (a great choice for sipping around Thanksgiving and the holidays!),以及其他特别发行版. Club membership also means you’ll receive complimentary tastings every month for four people (especially great if you’re local).

8445 Silverado Trail 纳帕, CA 94573, (707) 967-7700

图片由 智慧葡萄酒画廊 | Susan DeMatei

If pink is your color, you’ll want to visit the current exhibit at the 智慧 酒廊内 市中心的纳帕. “粉红! 用爱, 《AG体育平台》的主角是艺术家凯特·托娃, 史蒂夫Javiel, 马克•福斯特, 和纳帕当地的佩内洛普·摩尔. 这些艺术家联合起来为乌克兰筹集资金,提高人们的意识, 每卖出一块,就会有一部分捐给世界中央厨房, an organization that serves fresh meals to Ukrainian families fleeing and remaining in their home country. 喝一杯红酒,同时欣赏所有的红酒, 从壁画的碎片, 绘画, 涂鸦, 和雕塑. The 智慧 Art Gallery is committed to supporting all its 艺术ists and takes great pride in featuring emerging and established 艺术ists. They even encourage 艺术ists to redesign the gallery space for each exhibit. 如果你想添加到你自己的收藏, 你很幸运, 所有展示的艺术品都可以购买.

内幕消息: 智慧 Vineyard sits on the mountain slopes of Atlas Peak and is known for its mountain-grown Cabernet Sauvignon and Sauvignon Blanc. 如果你更喜欢香槟的话, enjoy the Gallery Champagne tasting and walk around the gallery at your own pace, 当然还有一杯香槟.


图片由 悬崖导语

克利夫莱德葡萄园 offers a unique wine tasting experience in their Backstage Tasting Lounge. 葡萄园主克里夫·莱德说, 灵感来自于他对经典摇滚和美酒的热爱, 为标准的ag体育正规品酒室带来了新的面貌. 休息室很舒适, relaxed space that features a rotating 艺术 collection with pieces created by the rock and roll community. 你会发现前创作歌手的作品, 优雅的, 艾尔顿·约翰的合作者, 伯尼陶品, 甚至还有约翰·列侬的几首曲子. 还有雕塑, 绘画, 和摄影, 后台酒廊有许多音乐纪念品, 甚至还有Fleetwood Mac乐队的签名电吉他. 还有精选的经典摇滚歌单, 独特的艺术, 还有美酒, 这可不是一般的品酒室.

内幕消息: 悬崖导语 named each block of his vineyard after one of his favorite songs or albums, 更广为人知的名字是“岩石块”.” Try the small-lot Rock Block series, which is a “mash-up” of two or more blocks. These wines are known for their innovative names like “Roundabout Midnight,” a combination of Yes’ “Roundabout” and Eric Clapton’s “After Midnight.”

加利福尼亚州AG体育平台市AG体育平台十字路1473号,94559,(707)944 -8642

礼貌的 Artesa酒厂 在加州纳帕市

Artesa酒厂 in ag体育正规’s Los Carneros region offers a memorable experience for both wine and 艺术 aficionados. Showcasing a curated collection of contemporary sculptures and 绘画 throughout the property, the winery invites visitors to appreciate these 艺术istic gems in the elegant tasting room or outside on the patio overlooking the Carneros appellation. 这是对其艺术奉献精神的真实证明, Artesa的架构, 由西班牙著名建筑师Domingo Triay设计, masterfully blends modern aesthetics with a profound appreciation for the natural environment, 唤起人们对自然和谐的思考, 艺术, 和酒.

内幕消息: Variety is the spice of life at Artesa, which crafts a wide range of wines in various styles. That said, if your group has different taste preferences, you’ll all find something to love here. 想想Albariño和长相思吧, 起泡酒到黑皮诺葡萄酒, 甚至是像解百纳这样酒体浓郁的葡萄酒. The winery also recently released their first late disgorged sparkling wine, which is always fun.
